Core tips: elastic formula: F=kx, F for elastic, K for the stiffness coefficient, X for the length of the spring length, such as the length of the spring for example, to test a spring of 5N: 5N pull the stiffness coefficient of 100N/m spring, the spring is elongated 5cmF= KX, K is the stiffness coefficient (unit is Newton per meter), X is the spring elongation (unit is rice), this law is called Hooke's law.

Elastic formula:
F=kx, F is elastic, K is stiffness coefficient, X is spring stretch length.
For example, to test a 5N spring:
When a spring with a stiffness coefficient of 100N/m is pulled by 5N force, the spring is drawn 5cmF = kx, K is the stiffness coefficient (in Newton per meter), and X is the spring elongation (in simple form)
This law is called Hooke's law. For example, when a spring is pulled by 10N, the total len
gth is 7cm, and when the spring is pulled by 20N, the total length is 9cm.
The force size of the original length and elongation at 3cm is calculated.