In the heat treatment of forgings, the way of placing parts to reduce deformation is to hang them vertically as far as possible, to place them vertically at the bottom of the furnace, to support them horizontally with two points, to place the fulcrum between one-third and one-fourth of the full length, and to place them flat on the heat-resistant steel tooling.
In the cooling process of parts, the types, cooling properties and hardenability of quenching medium are related to deformation. The change of cooling performance can be adjusted by changing the viscosity, temperature, liquid pressure, additives and stirring of the medium. The higher the viscosity of quenching oil, the higher the temperature, the smaller the elliptical deformation. In static state, the deformation is small.
The following ways can effectively reduce deformation: 1. salt bath quenching; 2. high temperature oil quenching; 3. QSQ method; 4. vacuum quenching; 5. one trough three-stage quenching. Salt bath quenching is similar to high temperature oil quenching in that both quenching occurs at martensitic transformation temperature, which increases the homogeneity of martensitic transformation. QSQ is double liquid quenching. Vacuum quenching is to extend the steam film stage by lowering the liquid pressure of quenching medium, and the cooling rate in high temperature zone decreases, so that the cooling rate of parts is uniform. The structure of one trough and three-stage quenching is simple. Firstly, the part is cooled by oil to the temperature slightly higher than MS. Then it is discharged and kept in the atmosphere, so that the whole temperature of the part is uniform, and then cooled by oil, so that the martensite transformation is uniform and the deformation irregularity is greatly improved.