In order to remove the detergent, wash the surface with clean water at the end of washing.
Surface condition and washing method
Dust and easy to remove dirt - wash with soap, weak lotion or warm water.
Label and film: scrub with warm water and weak detergent.
Binder composition - using alcohol or organic solution;
Fat, oil, lubricating oil contamination - with a soft cloth or paper after drying with a neutral detergent or ammonia solution or special detergent to wash;
Bleaching agent and seed acid adherence - immediately rinse with water, soak in ammonia or neutral soda solution, then wash with neutral detergent or warm water;
Adhesion of organic carbides - soak in a hot neutral detergent or ammonia solution and then wash with a detergent containing a weak abrasive.
Fingerprints dry with alcohol or organic solvents (ether, benzene), and then washed with soft cloth.
Too much rainbow is caused by detergent or oil.
Welding discoloration by heating - washing with 10% nitric acid or hydrofluoric acid solution, then neutralizing with ammonia, carbonate, soda dilute solution and then washing with water - is used specially for washing medicines.
Rust caused by surface contaminants - washed with nitric acid (10%) or abrasive detergents - using special detergents.